Rohatsu Sesshin
Rohatsu: Buddha's Enlightenment Sesshin​
Sunday, December 1, 7:00 P.M.
Sunday, December 8, 12:00 P.M.
The December Rohatsu (“eighth day”) sesshin commemorates and reenacts the seven days of meditation culminating in the enlightenment of the Buddha, traditionally celebrated on Dec. 8.
​Rohatsu sesshin take place at Zen centers throughout the world at this time. This sesshin offers a special opportunity to touch the depth of human life, supporting and being supported by innumerable beings.
Led by Michael and Joen O’Neal.
Location: Compassionate Ocean Zen Center
Fee: by donation
A sesshin (literally, “to gather the mind”) is a time when formal Zen practice is the primary focus of what we do. Sometimes these are informally called “retreats,” but in actuality they involve going forward into the heart of our lives.
Participation in sesshin is open to community members and others who have had some experience with Buddhist practice and meditation. Each sesshin offers an extended opportunity to settle the mind and body and open to the deep wisdom of human life. These are excellent opportunities to strengthen and deepen the practice of presence, including benefiting from the support of others.