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Donations and Appeals

Checks payable to Compassionate Ocean may be mailed to:


Compassionate Ocean Zen Center
652 17th Avenue NE
Minneapolis, MN 55413


​Compassionate Ocean is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. All donations are tax-deductible as allowed by law.

Donations to Compassionate Ocean Zen Center make possible the financial life of the Center. General donations support the purpose and programs of the Center.


Spring and Year End appeals are drives for contributions that occur during a limited time period with a specified target of giving. The Center relies on these donations to pay its bills, and continue providing a safe and centered space for meditation and Buddhist programming. Fees for classes only cover a small portion of the Center's operating budget.


Membership pledge payments provide ongoing financial support for the purpose and programs of the Center and allow for more reliable budgeting and cash flow for the organization. Member pledges can be paid monthly, quarterly, annually, or in any other convenient time frame. See the Membership page for additional information.

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