Buddhist Studies
Spring 2020: Everybody Has a Light - Zen and the Energy of Life

To fully understand human life, you have to go deep into you and see human life more deeply. The depth of life is your destination, but don’t attach to it. Just constantly try to deepen your life. This is spiritual life. Through spiritual practice you can deepen your life -
you can really know what is at the bottom of human life…. So let’s learn who we are. ~Dainin Katagiri
The Light that Shines through Infinity
Taught by Genpo Michael O'Neal and Joen O’Neal
At the heart of human life is always the question, Who am I, really? And within that question is, How am I to live?
Spiritual life means we take these questions seriously. We want to make an appropriate response with our whole being to the challenge of being alive. We want to face the truth of our life without collapsing and without turning away, and find how to walk forward, moment by moment and day by day.
This course will involve a careful study of teachings on this topic by Dainin Katagiri, a 20th-century Zen master whose life work was to wholeheartedly address this existential situation. Our particular focus will be on the energy of life, studying the self, time and space, and the light of the self.
Each class will include meditation, lecture, and discussion. Our course text will be The Light that Shines through Infinity by Dainin Katagiri, who was the root teacher of Michael and Joen. The text will be provided at the first class, and is included in the course fee.
Registration Information
Wednesdays, April 8 - May 27 (eight sessions) (#B93)
7:00-9:00 P.M.
$185 (members $165) (includes course materials)
Note that this course will be conducted online via the video-conferencing platform, Zoom.
Member rates apply to members of all local Buddhist centers. Reduced fees are offered as needed; please contact the Center at (612) 781-7640.
Enrollment for classes is limited, and early registration is encouraged. You may print and mail a registration form or register online.
Printable registration form (PDF) to print and mail.
Register online. The classes are listed in the Program Fees section of the online form.