A sesshin (literally, “to gather the mind”) is a time when formal Zen practice is the primary focus of what we do. Sometimes these are informally called “retreats,” but in actuality they involve going forward into the heart of our lives.
Participation in sesshin is open to community members and others who have had some experience with Buddhist practice and meditation. Each sesshin offers an extended opportunity to settle the mind and body and open to the deep wisdom of human life. These are excellent opportunities to strengthen and deepen the practice of presence, including benefiting from the support of others.
Sesshins at Compassionate Ocean​
Fall 2023​​​
October: Friday, Oct. 6, 7:00 P.M.–Sunday, Oct. 8, Noon View schedule>>
Weekend sesshins include sitting and walking meditation, a Dharma talk, a work period, and an opportunity to meet with a teacher. Each weekend sesshin also includes three vegetarian meals on Saturday.
Led by Michael & Joen O'Neal
Fee: by donation
Participation in retreats is offered by donation. You may register online using one of the buttons below—select the option for your preferred payment method (online or check).