Buddhist Studies
Spring 2023:
The Practice of Transforming Suffering

The practice of Right Speech is to try to change our habits so that our speech arises from the seed of Buddha that is in us, and not from our unresolved, unwholesome seeds.…Right Action means Right Action of the body. It is the practice of touching love and preventing harm, the practice of nonviolence toward ourselves and others.…Right Livelihood is a collective matter.…Everything we do contributes to our effort to practice Right Livelihood. It is more than just the way we earn our paycheck.
—Thich Nhat Hanh, The Heart of the Buddha’s Teaching
Co-taught by Guiding Teachers Michael Genpo O'Neal & Joen O’Neal
This course is part of a series exploring Thich (Thây) Nhat Hanh’s presentation of core Buddhist teachings. This spring course will give special attention to three elements of the Buddha’s teaching of the Noble Eightfold Path: right speech, right action, and right livelihood.
Each class will include sitting meditation and a talk based on readings from the course text, The Heart of the Buddha’s Teaching, with discussion. The text will be available at the first class (and mailed to those who will be participating via Zoom). We will also be making references to No Mud, No Lotus: The Art of Transforming Suffering, also by Thây.
Registration Information
Wednesdays, March 29–May 17 (eight sessions) (#B105)
7:00-9:00 P.M.
$185 (members $165) (includes course materials)
This course will be held in-person at the Center, with an option for remote participation via Zoom if requested.
Member rates apply to members of all local Buddhist centers. Reduced fees are offered as needed; please contact the Center at (612) 781-7640.
Enrollment for classes is limited. Early registration is encouraged.
You may register online using one of the buttons below—select the option for your preferred payment method (online or check).
$185 for non-members (fee includes book)
$170 for non-members (if you already have the book)
$165 for members (fee includes book)
$150 for members (if you already have the book)
2023 Buddhist Studies Course Dates
Wednesdays, 7:00-9:00 P.M.
Spring: March 29-May 17, 2023 (#B105) Title: The Practice of Transforming Suffering
Summer: June 7-July 26, 2023 (#B106)
Fall: Sept. 20-Nov. 8, 2023 (#B107)