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Buddhist Studies

Spring 2024:
In Dependence, Things Rise Up

Taught by Genpo Michael O'Neal, with Joen O'Neal

…we have to develop individual character, and simultaneously the global character of human beings. Beyond any ideas of whether we can build up a peaceful world or not, let’s do it: be peaceful. That’s why Thich Nhat Hanh says, “Breathing in, I calm my body and mind. Breathing out, I smile with joy.” What is this practice? What does he mean? by day we have to build up peace in the very complicated overall picture of global existence, so-called human being. This is our peace work.

—Dainin Katagiri Roshi
 (from a talk given May 27, 1987, at the Minnesota Zen Meditation Center)


Dainin Katagiri Roshi and Thich Nhat Hanh (Minneapolis, 1983)

One of the most profound teachings of the Buddha is pratitya samutpada—interdependent co-arising. Thich Nhat Hanh calls this “the foundation of all of Buddhist study and practice.” This teaching includes the Buddha’s insight into the working of karma—how our intentions, actions, and the energy within shape our world. This course will explore this foundational teaching from a variety of perspectives, ancient and modern, including teachings by Dainin Katagiri Roshi and Thich Nhat Hanh.


This term’s course continues our ongoing study of karma which we began last fall. However, all are welcome to register as our guiding teachers will review what we have covered before diving deeper.

In This Class...

In this class we will read and discuss transcripts of Katagiri Roshi’s talks on karma as well as supplemental readings from Thich Nhat Hanh and other authors. Each class will include zazen (sitting practice), presentations by the instructor, and discussion.


The primary course text is Taking Care of Karma: Katagiri Roshi’s Lectures on Karma, as transcribed by Kikan Michael Howard.  This text is currently only available by taking this course.


The class will be led by Genpo Michael O'Neal, a Zen priest in Katagiri Roshi’s lineage, and guiding teacher at Compassionate Ocean. Joen O'Neal will assist with teaching.

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Registration Information

Wednesdays, Apr. 3–May 22 (eight sessions) (#B109)

7:00-9:00 P.M.

$185 (members $165) (includes course materials) 


This course will be held in-person at the Center, with an option for remote participation via Zoom if requested.


Member rates apply to members of all local Buddhist centers. Reduced fees are offered as needed; please contact the Center at (612) 781-7640.


You may register online using one of the buttons below—select the option for  your preferred payment method (online or check). Early registration is encouraged.

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